I have developed an innovative approach to mental health – Mood Coaching – beyond talking therapy to include lifestyle factors such as nutrition, toxins, sleep, stress, movement, digital toxicity, and more. Mood imbalances such as anxiety, depression, and burnout may be triggered by difficult life events, and sometimes seem to come out of the blue. Mood Coaching addresses both – either to manage the impact of life's challenges, or to find the possible cause of mood disturbance. Mental health treatments are lagging behind in recognising that lifestyle changes are not only preventative, but also provide solutions. Too often people are given unnecessary medication. I am a qualified Health Coach, Life Coach and Counsellor with over 20 years experience in mental health, based in Frome, Somerset.
Work with me
Mood Programme
A personalised programme of coaching, education & resources designed to address your mood health problems
Talking therapy to explore your feelings, life events, and get to the cause of your current mood problems.
Mood Booster
A one-off session with advice and strategies on how to improve your mental wellness
Good Mood Club
Working with me means you get over twenty years of skill and experience taken from coaching, personal transformation, nutrition, lifestyle medicine and talking therapy. You get an integrated and holistic approach to mental health. You get all this focussed on you, your best interests, your unique life. You get unconditional support and belief in your ability to change. You get loving challenge to do what’s best for you.