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My journey to a natural lifestyle approach




The gut / brain connection
Balancing blood sugar
Nutrition for the brain
Your optimal movement
The power of sleep
Sustainable behaviour change

Stress management


I have always been fascinated in how we can positively change our experience of the world and how we function in it. This interest took me into the human potential movement of the '70s, and into the area of coaching, counselling and wellbeing. For twenty years I primarily worked as a counsellor supporting people with depression, anxiety and stress related mood imbalance – in various settings within the NHS, higher education and privately.

Having a keen interest in nutrition and healthy eating, I have used both to support my own mental and physical wellbeing along the way. Eight years ago I started to feel that talking therapy alone had its limits in treating mental health issues. I was noticing the impact that poor diet, sleep, lack of exercise, digital technology and modern stress levels were having on the nervous system and cognitive function of clients. I decided to train in integrative nutrition as a Health Coach.

On completing the training I initially kept health coaching and counselling separate – coaching women with their health and energy, and counselling clients with anxiety, depression, burnout and difficult life events. But increasingly I found the two strands overlapping, and saw the impact that addressing nutrition and lifestyle was having on those clients willing to make changes. Mood Coaching and The Mood Coaching Programme grew out of that experience along with my fascination and continued study of the topic.

These are exciting times, with new research into nutrition showing us the power of food on body and mind.  While at the same time our Western lifestyle is wreaking havoc with our health, with many being overfed, undernourished and mentally frazzled.

I have brought together a wealth of knowledge and skill into a completely new concept – Mood Coaching. Supporting you as a whole person, as an individual, using natural methods in creating a happy, healthy, balanced mind.

Over my professional career I have had a wide range of training in coaching and counselling methods.

Level 4 Diploma in Coaching as a Health Coach Practitioner


Post graduate Diploma in Counselling  (Organisational Settings), Bristol University

Diploma in Life, Business & Executive Coaching, Iron Mill Institute, Exeter

Doing CBT – formulation, assessment, anxiety disorders and depression, with Jacqui Porter

CBT for Low Self Esteem, with Jacqui Porter

Reality Therapy Fundamentals, USA

Advanced Technologies for Creating Instructor Training, Robert Fritz Inc, USA

Fundamentals of Structural Consulting, Robert Fritz Inc, USA

Essentials of Psychosynthesis

Fundamentals in Re-evaluation Counselling

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